TriumphX Releases First NFT, Early Work by SohnSeohyun

TriumphX, a developer of a cross-chain-based decentralized NFT platform, announced that the first NFT work by SohnSeohyun will be released.

Artist SohnSeohyun graduated from Ewha Womans University with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in painting and printmaking, and has been exhibiting various individual and group works for over 10 years. Her solo exhibitions include <parascape- Lost Horizon, 2011>, <SHIFT, 2012>, <balancing, 215>, and <The Garden of Thoughts, 2016>. It was opened. Her group exhibitions include <Unexpected Space, 2013>, <Ways of Seeing, 2016>, and <Accompanying Nature, 2016>. In addition, there are more than 10 selected group exhibitions.

SohnSeohyun projects the appearance of the times through her works with a fresh and insightful gaze. The contradictory lives of modern people, who are tired of endless sharing and communication, but cannot endure isolation from any contact even for a moment, are in a busy daily life, but at the same time, they long for a space of thought where they can confirm their existence and get rest for their souls. The artist expresses the inner world of modern people, which is complexly or simply connected with the world, as a utopian space of invisible power cycle and order. By expressing the coexistence of things that cannot coexist, the artist dreams of a pleasant liberation from the desires given to modern people unwittingly, and suggests deep reflection on the self to the audience.

This NFT series by SohnSeohyun consists of a total of three precious early works released in 2012, and the edition of each work is limited to a maximum of 20. SohnSeohyun’s NFT works can be found in the first edition at ENFTEE, followed by Sole-X and the global marketplace OpenSea.

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